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Do Cyclists Need to Stop For Stop Signs in New York?

Do Cyclists Need to Stop For Stop Signs in New York?

According to our auto accident lawyer on Long Island, cyclists are subject to the same laws as motor vehicles. That means that under state law, they must obey stop signs and traffic signals just like cars. However, in New York City there is an exception for cyclists regarding stop signs: if a cyclist has come to a complete stop at a stop sign, they may proceed without stopping again if there is no other traffic present. This law was passed in order to keep cyclists safe and reduce unnecessary delays for those using bicycles as a mode of transportation. If you need a better understanding of the laws regarding cyclists in both New York City and Long Island, please click here for more information, or continue reading this article.

While this exception does provide some relief from the strict rules of the road, it does not absolve cyclists from their responsibilities. Cyclists must still be aware of their surroundings and yield to oncoming traffic if necessary.

Additionally, cyclists must obey all other laws such as not riding against the flow of traffic and not riding on sidewalks. Cyclists should also be aware that local laws may vary from state law regarding cycling rules, so it is important to check with your local government for information about cycling laws in your area. 

If I was Injured in a Cycling Accident, can a Lawyer help me?

Yes, if you were injured in a cycling accident, an experienced auto accident lawyer can help you. The laws surrounding traffic accidents are complicated and vary by jurisdiction. An attorney will be able to review your case and advise you as to your rights under the law. They may also be able to help you get compensation for any injuries or damages incurred due to the accident. It is important to speak with an attorney as soon as possible after the accident in order to ensure that your rights are protected.

It is common for those injured in cycling accidents to face lawsuits, so having an experienced auto accident lawyer on your side can be beneficial. They can help you navigate the legal system and work towards a favorable outcome. Having legal representation can also provide peace of mind that your case is being handled correctly and efficiently.

No matter where you live, if you were injured in an auto accident involving a cyclist, a knowledgeable auto accident lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve. They will be able to assess your case and help determine who is at fault for the accident. They will also be able to advise you on how best to proceed and ensure that your rights are protected.

Do not hesitate to contact an experienced auto accident lawyer if you were involved in a cycling accident. A qualified attorney can help protect your rights, get you the compensation you deserve, and make sure that justice is served.

Contact Our Auto Accident Lawyer on Long Island

In conclusion, cyclists in New York must obey the laws governing stop signs, but are allowed to proceed without stopping again if they have already come to a complete stop at a stop sign and there is no other traffic present. It is important for cyclists to stay informed of the laws in their area and practice safe cycling habits.

If you find yourself in need of an auto accident lawyer on Long Island, Winkler Kurtz is able to provide legal representation for those who were injured in a bicycle collision. For more information on scheduling an appointment with a member of our team, please click here.

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